HP 90 775ml Black Ink Cartridge (C5059A)
SKU# AA52225, Model# C5059A

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SKU # AA52225 | Model # C5059A | Brand HP

HP 90 - Black Print cartridge - For HP Designjet 4000 Series (C5059A)

Manufacturer Contact Info: http://www.hp.com, 13 10 47

From sharp lines to photo-quality images - HP 90 printing supplies are designed together with your Designjet printer to get the job done right. Patented dye-based color and pigment-based black HP inks produce accurate lines and images. And interactive HP Smart technology makes automatic adjustments to optimize print quality and enhance reliability. With 2 sizes of each cartridge, HP printing supplies offer a flexible and cost-effective solution. The new HP 90 Black Ink Cartridge for high-volume printing means fewer interruptions for changing cartridges. 3-ink Multipacks provide savings and convenience. Two-sizes of each cartridge let you match the needs of the project. An excellent value - the quality and reliability you expect from HP with more choices and fewer interruptions to save you time and increase your productivity.


SKU # AA52225 | Model # C5059A

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