SKU # AB80201 | Model # 4G-LTE-ANTM-O-3-B= | Brand Cisco
Deciding which antenna to use involves multiple factors, such as coverage area, maximum distance, indoor location, outdoor location, and antenna height. When an antenna is used indoors, the building construction, ceiling height, and internal obstructions must be considered. In outdoor environments, obstructions such as trees, vehicles, buildings, and hills must be considered. Distance is the primary factor when using outdoor-wireless communications. However, coverage area also becomes important when you use wireless client devices to communicate with a wireless device.
The 4G-LTE-ANTM-O-3 antenna supports the following features:
No tune, multiband coverage, dual 4G LTE, and GPS L1 frequencies.
Metal 5/8-inch stud mount with serrated face nut provides single cable exit for easier installation or antenna replacement.
Attractive low-profile housing for added overhead clearance.
IP67-compliant design provides maximum protection against water or dust under severe environmental conditions.
High-performance, low-loss cable, and high-quality connectors for maximum Radio Frequency (RF) system efficiency.
UV-resistant red, blue, black, or white radome.
SKU # AB80201 | Model # 4G-LTE-ANTM-O-3-B=